Friday, July 18, 2014

22 days into my 30 day challenge

When I decided to start a 30 day challenge I wanted to push myself. 
I was doing okay with clean eating at this point, but not really working out like I should be.

That was 22 days ago and I have worked out EVERYDAY since. 
This is such a big deal for me and I am so proud of myself. 
How far I have come in such a short time. Physically and Mentally.

Mentally is the hardest battle. Our bodies our amazing. 
They can handle so much more than we give them credit for! 
I mean I did carry 2 babies to the point of skin going beyond a point of any return.
I birthed 2 babies on my own. 
Though it has been a long road my body is recovering from some amazing things.
I push myself further and harder than the day before. 
I see myself getting stronger each day and with each day I feel myself healing mentally.

We can be so hard on ourselves. It is easy to put yourself down when you are not happy.
So that is what we do. We forget that we are still us with 70 extra pounds. 

Taking my life back and becoming healthier isn't just a physical journey for me.
It's mental. I am working on loving myself again. Being happy again. 
Finding that inner peace that glows from the inside out. 

Even though I am dropping weight and toning up. I am also finding myself happier each day.
Loving myself a little more and smiling within when I am having a bad day.

Here are the results:
Since June 1st I am down 25 pounds! 
Almost 2 pants sizes and a shirt size
For the first time in almost 4 years I am only 3 pounds from being less than 200 pounds.

I have been rotating workouts and what I do daily.

Here are some things I am doing:
Jogging on the treadmill
Jillian Michael's 30 day shred
Jillian Michaels Shred it
Full body rotation workouts with hand weights
Kettle bell workouts 

I have pinned a lot of the kettle bell exercises and abs exercises I am doing! 

I will be my strongest advocate, because I am beautiful.
Ashley M

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