I never thought that when I met my husband almost 6 years ago that
I could ever love him more than I did then.
I told my mom literally 3 days after I had met him, that I had met the man I was going to marry.
I didn't even know his last name yet. =) I just knew.
Okay folks gather around for story time...
This is how I met my Husband.
I was out with my girls for the night Celebrating being single, my friends recent divorce and talking about how much we despised men and didn't need them.
We wound up going to a local bar called... are you ready for this?!
'Scooters' Yes my friends this is a true story.
After being there for a while we decided to go to another place down the road.
Now you really have to picture this. I am walking out the front door when
I bump into the bouncer (my husband).
"Oopps I am sorry" and then I look up at him.
He is 6'5" and I am 5'6"
Here it is my famous pick up line... "Your cute whats your number?"
I know cheesy right?! What can I say it worked. ;)
He wrote his number on my hand.
He told me he got off in a little while if I wanted to hang out to call him.
I go with my friends to the other bar and I couldn't stop thinking about this tall, handsome man with his AMAZING Smile. I did try and call him and lets just say this is where things got interesting.
It wasn't a WORKING number!!!
What did I do you ask? That is a very good question.
I took my now slightly intoxicated self back to the bar he worked at.
(Now I hated men even more than I did when I started the night out!)
Of course the bar was closing so they wouldn't let me in. But I told the guy taking the trash out that I needed to talk to the tall, cute guy with the blue eyes and pretty smile. He asked me his name and I told him that I thought it was Jesse something.
Out he walks a few minutes later with that Beautiful smile on his face.
I decided it would be best to stand on my tip toes to get my point across as
I told him in a rather loud tone...
"If you are not interested in a girl you tell them that. You do not give them a fake phone number and tell them to call you!"
Then he proceeded to tell me that his phone was about to be cut off and didn't realize it already had been... Not sure how much of that was the truth. =) But we went to dinner the next night and literally sat up and talked ALL night! He didn't try anything we just talked. It was amazing.
We had and have so much in common and I knew from the first time we hung out that he was going to be the man I spent everyday with for the rest of my life.
I can say that I love him more now than when we got married 3 years ago.
He means the world to me in more ways than I can every express in words.
Because of our anniversary I thought I would take you guys on a picture journey as I look back on the last 5 1/2 years of our life together so far!
That smile and those blue eyes <3 |
One of the first pictures of us |
Our first trip to Florida to meet my family |
He can always make me smile |
Engagement Pictures |
I love how goofy he is! |
Amazing Day! |
Love this Picture |
Such a Proud Daddy |
=) |
Would do anything in the world for our family! |
Adore |
First Family Pictures |
Melts my Heart |
Sorry for the picture overload but I had to share some of my all time favorite pictures with you.
I love you Jesse McGowan and all that you do for our family.
I can love the woman I am with you and the way you make me so very happy.
Happy Anniversary baby!
May 2, 2009
With Much Love,