Dear Son,
It is okay for you to slow down and stop growing so fast. Momma doesn't mind one bit. =)
Dear Sun,
I loved getting to spend some wonderful time with you this weekend.
However when you still burn me after I apply SPF 75
4 times it doesn't make me want to see much of you anymore.
Maybe chill out on your intense hotness.
Dear Weekend,
Thank you for so much amazing family time and thrifty finds!
(Post and Pictures to come soon)
Dear Husband,
You never cease to amaze me with your love for myself and our son.
We are so blessed to have you even if I can be snippy with you sometimes.
(I'm Sorry for that)
Dear Laundry,
I finally tackled you after a weekend of letting you take over the house.
I had so much more fun being away from home and spending it with people
I love the most!
Dear Dust Bunnies,
Your Next! I'm coming after you tomorrow.
Dear Summer,
I am looking forward to all the fun times we are going to have.
Now that my little man is walking it's going to be a blast.
Dear Back,
You can ease up on your intense pain.
Now that Clayton is walking I will try and take it a little easier on you!
Dear Soldiers,
Thank you to anyone who has serve, who is still serving or who we have lost because they were defending our country. May God always bless you and all those that you love!!!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and remember what
Memorial Day really stands for.
With Much Love,
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