Where has this week gone? I can't believe it is already Wednesday.
I honestly don't remember when that happened. I have been so out of it this week.
Still busy with work and of course all my momma and house duties.
I feel as if I am just in a fog.
Even nights when I get enough sleep I am waking EXHAUSTED.
I am Thankful Little Man has been sleeping well so I am at least I am getting to rest.
Glad he is finally feeling better.
But why oh why do I have to feel this way each day.
Like I am viewing everything behind a cloud.
I know it's all just catching up with me.
So my plans this weekend is to do
I am going to keep my tushy super busy this week, getting everything caught up.
This way come this weekend I'm not fighting laundry, dishes, or a dirty house.
I am going to stay in my pajama's and be super lazy.
Since I love it I will throw in tons of time playing with my Son.
Rolling around with the toys all over the floor.
Yep, this sounds perfect to me and will be what I am doing all weekend!
I am also going to go ahead and make a family memo,
so my husband doesn't say I didn't warn him.
I am not cooking either! Just making what my son needs to eat.
Everyone else can fend for themselves. =)
Now in a perfect world this all would happen.
Let's see if I can stick to my guns and actually do this. I always give in!
Mainly because I get tired of sitting around.
I don't think that will happen this time though.
Thought I would share somethings I am loving right now in my life.
Trying to find the positive and remove anything that
doesn't reflect or make me feel happy.
So these are things in my life I am LOVING!
I am Loving my Wonderful Husband. He is so supportive and such a great father!
Family camping trip |
I am Loving how much fun my Son is. He is constantly learning new things.
This age is just such a blast!
I am Loving the extra time I am getting to spend with some of my favorite people.
I got two weekends in a row with my cousin/best friend and it was great.
Bailey & Me |
I am Loving all of the new adventures in my life right now.
I ran my first 5K this weekend and it was amazing.
I am Loving getting fit and finally starting to feel good about my body for the first
time in a long time. Plus I am doing it the healthy way. =)
I am Loving the weather changing. It makes me happy from the inside out.
the color run |
I am Loving getting my house uncluttered even more. I love when things are put up.
I am Loving working and being able to help my family.
I am Loving my morning coffee time.
It really has become a time for me to reflect, and focus on the day ahead.
coffee and apple juice